Customer Review of Standard Writer CV Review Call by Mairaj Hasan - The CV Centre™ UK

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Standard Writer CV Review Call

4.7 out of 5
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Yes. We go to every length possible to prove that our customers' reviews are genuine. Some of the ways that we do this;

  • By providing additional timestamps via our Verified Purchase badge.
  • By publishing reviews swiftly whether they are good or bad (as well as responding to them).
  • By continuing to accept and encourage reviews on legitimate 3rd party review sites like TrustPilot and Google alongside our own review platform.
  • As soon as we are able to have our reviews cryptographically signed a la blockchain by our customers, we will!
Mairaj Hasan
Very Supportive & Guidelines
Reviewed on | CV Review Call |Verified Purchase

It was surely very indepth review given over the call, the pointers mentioned and the way forward for having best opportunities through effectively use of formats and resume language etc. Highly recommended their review to anyone looking for opportunities. I'm getting my wife's resume review also done asap just because of the way they supported me.



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